Monday, 28 March 2011

Getting Audience Feedback on your website.. MONDAY-TUESDAY work

Make sure your hyperlinks are active and get at least FOUR people to try out your site.

WHILST they are doing it - make notes on what they do and how you think they're reacting. After they've tried everything out, do a 2 minute quick question session (mini interview) with them and RECORD what they say in your sketchbooks - making sure it's clearly marked as audience feedback.Try to get feedback from BOTH genders!
Remember to decide what questions you're going to ask BEFORE you start!!

This is a CRUCIAL part of your coursework and HAS MARKS ATTACHED.

After you've collated their feedback, make any necessary adjustments on your website.

Then move onto the EVALUATION form (which is worth 30 marks!!!) which you can access on RESOURCES - it's right there - NOT in any folders. Open it and save your version onto YOUR DESKTOP to complete.

DO NOT put any work in the FINAL drop-box yet as you need to complete the CHECKLIST for your portfolio before you submit. The checklist for WebDesign is individually named (so don't lose it) and coloured PEACH (Salmon).

Checklist for Web Design

Yr11 Course Work Checklist Web B324 Blank

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Struggling with how to use iWeb?

If you're not sure and miss is busy OR you just would prefer to know for yourself, you can google pretty much any problem you're having with iWeb and get a solution e.g. "how do I rotate images in iWeb" will reveal hundreds of helpful results....


This site is good -

or you could try this

Try it and see - it's worth playing around with iWeb also

1. ALWAYS have your INSPECTOR open for full menus
2. Remember that the mouse DOES have a right click - lean your mouse slightly to the right front when you click - this is where the ARRANGE function is where you can put images, text and video to the back (like layers in Photoshop).


Production Plan WEB Design yr11 B1

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Use this to help you choose colour schemes!

Go here and click CREATE and you can find any combinations you can think of...

Monday, 7 February 2011

The Powerpoint from class...

Designing your site

1.    This lesson – Powerpoint Discussion and…
2.    Copy your design from the exam into your sketchbook – VERY TIDILY – USE COLOUR
3.    For those of you who DIDN”T sit the exam, you’ll have to quickly devise a first page plan of a website for a new TV Channel.
4.    After having done this, you need to IMPROVE your design – drawing the new plan into your sketchbooks – NEATLY – USE COLOUR.
5.    You then need to write 10 Bullet points on the changes you made between designs and WHY you made those changes – refer to what you have learnt about Web Design and about TV channel websites. You will now need your design to have FOUR PAGES
6.    Next you will be drawing your plan as a FLOWCHART like the one you were showed in class in the Powerpoint – see point 1 – a copy of which is on the blog
7.    You will then TEST your plans on TWO people and record their feedback – giving THREE points per person so:
a.    Person One – three bullets on feedback
b.    Person Two – three bullets on feedback
8.    You will then begin the design phase – there will be a TEACHING LESSON on WEB DESIGN using iWeb on MONDAY 14th – next week
9.    You will then design your web page and you will have 4 lessons – this phase will finish the second week back after half term – that is Thursday 3rd March.

Here’s a plan to help you:
Planned to do..
Actually did…
Mon 7th Feb

Thurs 10th Feb

Mon 14th Feb

Thurs 17th Feb

Mon 28th Feb

Thurs 3rd March

Monday, 24 January 2011

World's WORST Websites?


Make a list of 15 things you shouldn't do when designing a website and give URLs of examples where there has been done:
1. Well
2. Poorly


In order to know how to design a website well, it is worth looking at terrible websites. Here is the main website that deals with them - called 'Websites that Suck'

Overview of the Worst Websites of 2010-2005
Worst Websites of 2009
Worst Websites of 2008
Worst Websites of 2007
Worst Websites of 2006
Worst Websites of 2005

 Ugliest / Worst Web Pages of the Decade

and the colours on this site moves as well!!! Check it HERE

And here:

Biggest Mistakes in Web Design 1995-2015 

Here's the sheet to complete - get it from the RESOURCES folder to complete it in word.

What NOT to do in WEB DESIGN Form

Monday, 17 January 2011

How Audiences use the internet

How Audiences Use the internet --------------------------------------------------------------
This sheet is in resources (on the macs) in the folder WEB DESIGN. Copy the answers into your sketchbooks

1.    Article “ Lazy Eyes” – here Answer the following questions:
a.    What 6 things should you do to get a reader’s attention?
b.    What is an informavore according to this article?
c.     According to the article, how much slower are we at reading computer screen text than printed text? (He quotes Nielsen)

2.    Article “F-Shaped pattern for reading web content” – here Answer the following questions:
a.    What does the article say are the three main components of the dominant reading pattern?
b.    How many people did they use in their tests?
c.     Draw a rough image of the pattern shown in the images

3.    In Media Studies we have traditionally divided audiences in terms of Age, Gender, Class, Wealth (DEMOGRAPHICS) and Lifestyle - which is called PSYCHOGRAPHICS. Copy or stick in the sheet on segmenting the audience into your sketchbooks.  Using this article called “Categorizing your Audience”, List 3 other ways you could categorise your audience. Try to give a brief explanation.

4.    Finally, go to WEBSITES THAT SUCK and choose THREE bad sites, giving the LINK and a brief sketch of the site, along with 50 words for each site on why the site is badly designed in your sketchbooks.
Try to use what you have learned here when planning and designing your own website.
Please also think about using some of these ideas when you come to write up your evaluation!

Categorising the audience in Media Studies - Generally

Categorising the Audience

We know about segmenting or dividing the audience by certain categories:

But in the world of the internet, there are other ways to do this:

Categorizing Users by Role

A scheme for identifying users based on user roles or modes of interaction with the site is more useful for understanding the site’s audience.

An excellent example of a role-based classification of audience is the article “Designing Your Audience” by Jeffrey Zeldman.

Mr. Zeldman categorizes site visitors into three groups:

USERS are people who employ tools (software) to accomplish tasks: calculating, comparing, finding, outlining, writing, designing.

VIEWERS are people who seek entertainment. They want to be surprised, seduced, led along a path. Their goal is the journey, not the end result.

READERS are that rare (but growing) breed of web user who turn to a website as they might turn to a novel or magazine article.

How will this affect the way you target your audience?

Eye Tracking

We don't read all the text or the page in the way you might think - here are a couple of images to help you understand how we read web pages:

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Reviewing TV Channel's Websites

You need to make notes in your sketchbooks on the following by looking at websites to see:

1. What the conventions are for Web Sites in practice
2. What TV Channels put on their websites - the conventions for this 'genre'
3. How TV Channels target their audience

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Research TV Channel Websites!

Look at a minimum of THREE of the following, choosing a least one from each group. You need to make notes on the content and its meanings as well as how it is offering a service and meeting the demands/needs of its audience.

Use the sheets and fill in the blanks to help you construct notes - don't worry if you have more in one section or another and if they overlap - the sheet is a GUIDE to help you make notes rather than the be all and end all of life so to speak!

Channel 4

tv channels website research fill in sheet

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Key Issues to consider when studying Websites

Make sure you have noted the conventions of Websites in your Sketchbooks!